Minh Man Label participates in developing and improving the quality of the printing industry
The work environment is a factor that shapes work style, mood, and work performance. To improve the working environment, the 5S method was born. 5S was first successfully applied in Japan. This method creates a convenient, clean, neat, and scientific environment for businesses.
What is 5s?
5S is the name of a method for managing and arranging the working environment. 5S is an abbreviation of 5 Japanese words. These are Seiri (整理 Sort), Seiton (整頓 Set in order), Seiso (清掃 Shine), Seiketsu (清潔 Standardize) and Shitsuke (躾 Sustain).
- Sort: is to review, classify, select, and eliminate unnecessary things in the workplace. This is the first step in the 5S method.
- Set in order: organize and rearrange items according to the criteria of easy to find, easy to see, easy to take, easy to return. Everything needs to be in the right place for convenience when needed.
- Shine: regularly clean, wipe, and remove everything that causes dirt in the workplace. This helps create a clean environment, minimizing risks. In addition, it also improves the accuracy of machinery to avoid dust and dirt.
- Standardize: is to continue to maintain the above 3S standards and implement them continuously. It creates the premise for developing into 5S.
- Sustain: practice, create habits of self-discipline, maintain discipline and behavior. 5S also requires strict compliance with workplace regulations to always be ready for production.
Minh Man Manufacturing & Printing Labels Co., Ltd.
🔰 Contact information:
☎ Phone / Zalo: 0932 66 55 02
📧 Email: khanhtoan@mmlabel.com.vn
🌐 Website: www.mmlabel.com.vn
🏭 Factory: Lot B6-7, Area B6, Road D2, Tan Phu Trung Industrial Park, Cu Chi, Ho Chi Minh City
☎ Phone / Zalo: 0932 66 55 02
📧 Email: khanhtoan@mmlabel.com.vn
🌐 Website: www.mmlabel.com.vn
🏭 Factory: Lot B6-7, Area B6, Road D2, Tan Phu Trung Industrial Park, Cu Chi, Ho Chi Minh City